“Wendy, you’re changing my life”

- are words I’m lucky enough to hear again and again from my clients.

Wendy, you’re changing my life

- are words I’m lucky enough to hear again and again from my clients.

And I’m honored to say: It’s the truth.
...And the best part of my work helping over 8,000 attorneys hit the gas, and chart a course to all the success and freedom they crave. 

Because becoming a “Million Dollar Attorney®” isn’t just about crossing a certain revenue threshold, or learning the critical business and marketing fundamentals for growing a thriving law firm.   

It’s also not just about designing your firm to support a life you once only dared to dream about; with more space for freedom, flexibility, and quality time with the people you love most.

It’s about doing the work from the inside out to roll through your fear and stress, see the big picture, understand your purpose and desires, and set goals from there.

Because when you become more intentional about the trajectory of your life and law firm?

  • You discover that doubling your revenue, or passing the million mark is not only doable, but exciting, and deeply fulfilling.
  • You stop falling prey to the same excuses keeping you stuck in the negative cycles, and your world begins to tilt toward things other than work; like wellness, creativity, and (gasp) fun. 
  • Your health can improve, as you release the day-to-day overwhelm of constantly “putting out fires”, and welcome in more ease, pleasure, and joy.
  • Your relationships can strengthen, as you finally begin to spend less time in the office, and more time at home with family and friends.

I’m not just here to help you expand your capacity for income. I’m here to expand your capacity for life

Because that’s what building an incredible business -- and law practice -- is truly all about.

Curious about how I came to do this work? Here’s a bit more about me.

The year I joined my first firm,
my practice area’s revenues

Although it would be another 15 years before I started helping others attorneys design businesses that fit their financial and life goals -- that was the moment I fell head-over-heels in love with law business strategy, and the study of success.

In between, however, I also fell flat on my face a time or two.

For example, I joined a new law firm and was working on estates up to $500 million...  but the firm wasn’t a good fit, and it took a miserable toll on my overall health (an all-too-common problem in the legal community.) 

To escape that firm, I had what I call an “entrepreneurial seizure” and started my own firm (the kind of firm everyone tells you you should have) with the brick and mortar offices and outdated models for work/life balance and leadership… and it failed.


And all the while I found myself wondering “Why don’t they teach us this stuff in law school?!” 


There is truly so much more to the business of law than just practicing law or even marketing.

You need scalable systems. A powerful team. A clear vision. Financial strategies. And a Millionaire Mindset while living proven success principles. 

Most importantly, however, you need to give yourself space to lead and be the CEO of your practice, so you can design a business that truly supports the life you and everyone in your firm deserves.

It wasn’t until I got back in the saddle and created the law firm my way (that included all of the above) that everything started to click.

After that, instead of the burnout and frustration I was used to, I began to take more time away from the office, and create more space for fun and pleasure.

The craziest part was? While I was doing all that… I was making more money than I ever had.

I knew this was too powerful to keep to myself -- and I wanted to create the biggest impact possible with it.

That’s when I began teaching attorneys the principles that create explosively profitable businesses and fulfilling, healthy lives outside of the office, too.

I add consulting, and eventually became a Master Law Firm Business Strategist with specialties in Success Training and Mindset Mentoring for Entrepreneurial Lawyers, supporting lawyers just like you through the end-to-end process of crossing the million-dollar mark (or multi-million dollar mark), becoming CEO of their law firms, and taking their life, health, and sanity back.

It’s my calling, and what I absolutely love to do. And if you’re ready, I’d love to begin this journey with you. 


  • Founder, Pittsburgh Probate Law Firm
  • Summa Cum Laude, Psychology, Susquehanna University
  • Cum Laude, The Dickinson School of Law
  • LLM, Taxation Candidate, Temple University
  • Trusts and Estates Attorney, 24 years guiding families with estates up to $500 million
  • Senior Executive Team, Wealth Counsel, LLC, 2 years
  • Designed and Built Wealth Counsel’s Practice Development Offering and Team
  • ABA Published Article Author 
  • Quoted Expert, Forbes, Huffington Post, ABA, Solo Practice University, The Street, Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, The Experts Institute, & more
  • National Speaker for Educational and Legal Organizations 
  • Empowering Attorneys to Create the Law Firm and Lives They Love, 14 Years
  • Master Law Firm Business Strategist Guiding Law Firms Past the Million-Dollar Mark 
  • Certified Success Principles Trainer
  • Certified Dream Analyst 

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