
You're in the right place :) 

Hi ! I'm so glad you're here.

First, focus on the life you want


Then, build the law firm that will serve and support that life




The testimonials and recommendations on this website were provided without compensation to the providers. They do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your working with our programs, and are merely provided as helpful educational information to assist you in making a decision–not as indicative of expected results. Each person and business featured has unique circumstances that drive their results, such as their experience, implementation, and history. Specific results depend upon how much effort you put into your program, and where you are in the development of your practice. As such, the program does not and cannot guarantee that any specific results that we discuss or that you imagine will be obtained from this program. 

Any questions about this disclaimer or website can be directed to:

Wendy Witt, JD via [email protected]



50% Complete

Two Step

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